Vrnjci Spa Churches and monasteries

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Churches and monasteries Vrnjci Spa


Churches and monasteries

The Temple of Virgin Mary’s Birth – This holy temple was erected by Hadzi Jeftimije Popovich, protojerej from Vrnjci Spa, in 1834, during the reign of Duke Milosh Obrenovich. The priest Jeftimije performed the service in this temple for 47 years. He was buried to the south of the temple, where his tombstone can be seen. To the south of the temple there is the commemorative plaque to the Serbian warriors (Solun warriors), who gave their life for faith and homeland in the wars 1912-1918. The iconostasis was given to the church by Jovan Kujundzich, the salesman from Belgrade, in 1875. The temple is dedicated to the birth of the Holy Virgin, 21st (8th ) September , that is represented by a beautiful mosaic above the entrance. Its length was extended twice, in 1936 and 1973. Its present look on the western side was projected by the deceased Dr Dragomir Tadich, architect from Belgrade. The summer festivity – the religious procession of Vrnjci Spa is on 28th July. The holy martyrs are Kirik and Julita.


In the surroundings of Vrnjci Spa you can visit several holy places: the Church of the Holy Virgin in Stanishnizi, the Church of the Holy Sava in Grachaz, the Church of the Holy Jovan in Vukushiza, the Mausoleum of the family Belimarkovich on the Vrnjci graveyard and the Monastery of the Holy Petka in Stubal.

Close to the Spa sanatorium for physical diseases, there are a lot of sanatoriums for spiritual weakness.


The monastery Zicha is 32km away from Vrnjci Spa. The best way to reach the monastery is to take the way to Matarushka Spa.


The Monastery Studeniza is 60km away from Vrnjci Spa. The best way to reach the monastery is to take the way leading via Matarushka Spa along the Ibar highway to the village Ushche, where the road branches off to the monastery.


The Monastery Ljubostinja is 16km away from Vrnjci Spa. The best way to reach the monastery is via Trstenik and the village Grabovac.


The Monastery of the Holy Petka in Stubal is 7km away from Vrnjci Spa. It is located on the slopes of the Gledich mountains. The best way to reach the monastery is to take the way leading to the village Ugljarevo over the Western Morava.


The church Lazarica is 38km away from Vrnjci Spa, in the outskirts of Krushevac.

These monasteries, the witnesses of our past, are sanctities through which the Serbian history can be experienced in one day. Beside monasteries and churches, once strong fortresses  are guarding even today on the surrounding slopes: Ras (8th century), Maglich (13th century), Brvenik and Koznik (15th century).




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