Vrnjci Spa Health Tourism

All about Vrnjacka Banja

Health Tourism Vrnjci Spa


Health Tourism

“As early as 1834, baron Herder compared our waters to the Carlsbad healing waters, known as Schlossbrun. He says that this water is lukewarm and sour, the one of those rarely found in nature, and that it contains carbonic acid, a lot of carbonic-acid iron and salty-acid sodium.

Although there is no mineral water that can be compared to any other healing water in the world, because each water contains even the slightest quantity of something that can’t be found in any other, still I think that I will not make a big mistake if I compare our Vrnjci water with the much praised warm sour water in Ems in Neusachsen – dr Josif Panchich, 1869.

The sanatorium and the special hospital

The special hospital for cure and rehabilitation of digestive system and for diabetes treatment “Vrnjci Spa”, represents the most modern center for diagnosis, prevention, cure and rehabilitation of digestive system illnesses  and diabetes.

The Spa has four springs of healing water which, according to the international classification, belong to two categories: “Hot mineral water” (36,5°C) belongs to the type of alkaline carbon-acid homeothermae, and is used for drinking, bathing and other. Cold mineral waters “Sneznik” (17°C), “Slatina” (14°C) and “Jezero” (27°C) belong to the type of alkaline earth-alkaline carbon-acid achrotopegae. The special hospital disposes of modern medical service, with 50 physicians, out of this number 44 specialists and subspecialists of diverse specialties, as well as of modern facilities for lodging visitors throughout the year: “Merkur” – the new one (B category), “Mirko Tomich”, “Merkur” – the old one, “Romanija” and “Shumadija”.

All the facilities have modern comfort and a medical service of a special hospital type. Diet is in accord with the principles of modern dietetics (Health food), under the supervision of a doctor specialist in endocrinology and dietetics. Besides the basic diet types, individual variations of dieting are also given, for all illnesses indicated for cure in Vrnjci Spa.

In the Special hospital there are:

• Thermomineral bath with mineral springs
• Ambulance Polyclinic with specialists services
• Radiology
• Medical service on duty 24h a day
• Department for diabetes and obesity cure
• Gastroenterology
• Physical therapy
• Gynecology department
• Ultrasound diagnosis department
• Endoscopy
• Cardiovascular research department
• Ophtamology and laser therapy department
• Sports medicine department
• Urology department
• Reflexotherapy and acupuncture department
• Clinical biochemistry laboratory with RIA laboratory
• Pharmacy
• Gym

Cure indications

• Diabetes
• Digestive system diseases
• Postoperative conditions, after operations on digestive organs
• Chronic gynecology diseases and sterility
• Infection of kidney pelvis, bladder and urinary paths
• Stones in urinary paths
• Non-infective diseases of small and large intestine
• Gastric and duodenum ulcer
• Pancreas diseases
• After jaundice conditions
• Diseases of gall gladder and of bile ducts
• Functional diseases
• Conditions after resections of esophagus, stomach and bowels

Mineral water is applied in given indications:

• per os (drinking), dosage follows the doctor’s advice
• rinsing the bill ducts through a sonde, after a gall bladder operation
• inhalation of warm mineral water
• bathing in warm mineral water
• enema, in case of colon diseases
• vaginal sprinkling
• eyes rinsing in case of chronic eye disease

Type of cure using mineral water:

• regular diet supervised by a diet therapist – with a controlled physical activity
• physiotherapy – medicine therapy – education

Special healing programs:

• “Linea” – obesity cure: following modern medicine principles, supervised by edocrinologist
• Quick diagnosis: medical checkup in five days. Tim research of experts specialists and subspecialists using the most modern diagnostics means;
• Diabetes school: during the treatment of diabetics patients ant their family members, they become familiar with the nature of the disease, with the way of an adequate cure by means of diet, by an autonomous control of the disease and the conditions for postponing of disease complications.

The special hospital “Vrnjci Spa” is the teaching basis of the Medical faculty of Belgrade, whose professors, as well as the hospital physicians, offer medical service to the patients.

Aqua center

• thermomineral water pools
• temperature fro 27-32°C
• underwater massage
• underwater cannons
• waterfalls, geysers, jacuzzi
• cloakroom, fruit coctails

Wellness center

• cloakroom
• sauna
• fitness center
• swimming pool
• baths
• Aphrodita beauty programme
• massage
• coffee




Roman Spring

Geographical position


GALLERY galerija

Health Tourism




City Map





Bridge of Love



Sports clubs



Pizza, Cafes


Trade, handicrafts

Important Phones

Calendar of Events

Tuesday10 / 22 / 2024.11:00




Hotels in the spa